Asset Management

Published 27.04.2024
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The Asset Management solution helps you create a database of your company’s assets, from scanners, laptops and cell phones to software licenses. With the preset workflows, employees can request devices they need for work, while the IT department keep a record of all the items and can automatically notify the employees when they don’t return the devices on time. 

The solution contains two apps:

  • Asset requests,
  • Assets catalog.

The following processes are pre-configured:

  • Request asset. This process belongs to the Assets catalog. It is also linked to the +Request button on the page of the Assets request app.
  • Return. This process is associated with the Assets requests app.
  • Check for delay. This process is associated with the Assets requests app.

The solution also includes filters, statuses, and preset roles.




The Request app stores all the asset requests submitted by employees. The request page shows the name of the device, the person who requested it, the date they need it, the date it has to be returned, and the requester’s contact information. All the requests in the app are sorted by preset statuses: Pending Approval, Approved, Received, Overdue, Returned, Rejected. The status of a request changes as it goes along the Request asset business process.



The Assets catalog is an app that acts as a database of your assets. On the page of an asset you can see it’s description, number of devices available, and history of requests.