Compliance Management

Published 27.04.2024
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The Compliance management workspace helps managing customer documents and ensure that they comply with applicable laws, organizational policies, and standards.

  • Check client onboarding documents for compliance issues. When a new customer fills out a web form on your website or landing page, the customer’s application appears on the platform. Then the compliance checking and risk scoring process starts. The platform provides compliance managers with pre-configured workflows and tools to control the process.
  • Check documents of existing customers for compliance issues.  When a compliance manager finds out that the client’s documents are missing or invalid, the process of document request starts. The platform allows the Compliance department to engage both the Sales/Customer service department and the customers themselves in the Document request workflow. 

All forms and processes in the pre-built Compliance Management workspace are flexible and fully customizable. You can change the forms, business logic, and workflows to fit your unique requirements.

Before installing this solution please check out this article


Document compliance

This application is intended for requesting missing documents from the client. Using this solution, the Compliance department engages both the Sales/Customer service department and the customers themselves in the Document request workflow.


Application types

This app stores all the types of applications that customers submit. To add a new application type, click the creation button and name it.


Document templates

In this app, you can upload and store templates for documents that customers submit. To add a new template, click the creation button, name the template, upload the template file to the form, and click Save. Templates that you create will be used in the Document request processing business process.


Onboarding compliance

When a new customer fills out a web form on your website or landing page, the customer’s application is added to the platform. Then the compliance checking and risk scoring process starts. The employee responsible for reviewing applications completes the risk score table and approves the application. If the employee cannot make a decision, they can escalate the issue to the Compliance officer. The platform provides compliance managers with pre-configured workflows and tools to control the application approval process.


Risk score parameter

This app allows you to create parameters that will help you to assess compliance risks. All parameters that you create will be stored in this app.